Treaty Truck House

The people of Sipekne’katik, Millbrook, local fishers, and the general public are calling to stop Alton Gas from creating salt caverns near Brentwood, Nova Scotia and dumping the brine waste in the Shubenacadie River. 

Alton Gas is a 50 year fossil fuel project, to create 18 huge underground salt caverns to store high pressurized natural gas. Folks at Treaty Truck House call it the belly of the snake. It is to be connected to the Maritime and Northeast pipeline and export LNG terminal in Goldboro, N.S., the head of the snake. 

The campaign aims to halt environmental destruction and take a stand against the incomplete environmental studies and lack of meaningful public consultation for the project and to raise awareness of the danger to local residents and its violations of Indigenous rights and sovereignty.

Treaty Truck House doesn't want fracking in Mi'kmaki. Sipekne'katik has not been consulted and they do not consent. This is environmental racism and infringement of Mi'kmaq Treaty Rights. We must #StopAtonGas.





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Dehydration Nations


Anishinaabe Moose Moratorium