Labrador Land Protectors
Labrador Land Protectors is a group of Indigenous and settler folks from Labrador fighting against the damming of the Mista-Shipu, or Grand (Churchill) River, in particular the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric mega-project and proposed dam at Gull Island in Labrador. There has been no free, prior, and informed consent from the Indigenous Peoples of NL in the formation of this project.
They have three requests of the Newfoundland & Labrador (NL) government:
1. Immediate progress on the methlymercury agreement signed in October 2016 by Indigenous leaders of Labrador and the NL Government
2. Initiate an independent review of the North Spur, a sensitive area of land that could lead to catastrophic failure and loss of life downstream.
3. Implement all recommendations from the public inquiry into Muskrat Falls, particularly those recommendations surrounding environmental assessments.
4. Protect Gull Island. Do not build another unnecessary, devastating, harmful megadam on the Grand River.