United Nations Special Rapporteur on Toxics visit to Canada - Briefing Webinar

Indigenous Peoples around the world are exposed to hundreds of toxic and otherwise hazardous substances linked to various forms of cancer, reproductive abnormalities, lung diseases, diabetes and learning disabilities, among other adverse health impacts. The exposure of Mother Earth to toxic substances from a multitude of sources must be understood through the lens the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and our rights health, healthy waters and food sovereignty, to adequate housing, and the right to a healthy environment.

From May 24-June 5, the United Nations Special Rapporteur will be conducting a country visit to Canada to hear our stories about toxics contamination. 

Click here for the call General Submission on toxics and here for submissions on the consequences of exposure of indigenous people to toxic and otherwise hazardous substances. 

Click Here for the Alvin's Presentation and Here for Danika's.


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