Resist the TransMountain Pipeline

Despite increasingly dangerous climate impacts and strong public opposition, the government of Canada continues to promote and expand tar sands development - Canada’s fastest growing source of emissions and a fossil fuel reserve that, if fully exploited, could burn up nearly a quarter of the entire world’s remaining carbon budget for the 1.5°C threshold. 

Even with the knowledge that the pipeline has the same impact as putting 7 million new cars on Canada’s roads, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided to spend at least $4.5 billion in taxpayer money to buy the Kinder Morgan pipeline, pledging to put shovels in the ground as soon as possible. 

For now, the path forward for the pipeline remains unclear, but communities opposed to it are stalwart in their opposition. The task that remains is to force Canada’s politicians to understand that our climate commitments mean no new fossil fuel projects. 

Part of ICA’s narrative at COP 25 will be to lift up the massive fight against the Transmountain pipeline and to expose the Trudeau Government’s conflicting positions domestically on energy policy and their commitments to the Paris Climate Accord. We will highlight the direct connection to violence against Indigenous Women and the man camps that come with this sort of mega infrastructure development. Recently social movements in Canada defeated former pipeline proponent, Houston based energy giant, Kinder Morgan and their attempts to build this project. Soon after the Trudeau government nationalized the project with 4.7 billion dollars in public money. TECK Frontier already has purchased transport capacity in this project and ICA is working closely with Tiny House Warriors who have been fighting this project from Secwepemc territory in BC.


Reject the Teck Frontier Mine


Exposing Canada @ COP25