Reject the Teck Frontier Mine

The Teck Frontier is the largest open-pit tar sands mine ever proposed. If built, the Mine would be on Dene & Cree territory in Treaty No. 8 in an area with little to no industrial development.  These lands and waters are home to one of the last existing, free-roaming, disease-free herds of wood bison. This area is also directly along the migration route for the only wild population of the endangered whooping crane, in close proximity to many of our communities, and 30 km from the boundary of UNESCO World Heritage site Wood Buffalo National Park— an area valued and protected for its cultural and biodiversity.

Now in review, TECK Frontier is subject to open public comment period and requires federal approval for the giga project to move forward. Indigenous Climate Action is using the COP 25 as an opportunity to expose and pressure the Canadian Government on the international stage over their upcoming decision on whether or not to approve or reject TECK. ICA sees this looming decision on TECK as the first real test of the newly elected Trudeau minority government and freshly minted Environmental and Climate Minister Wilkonson, a former oil and gas man from BC.  Canadian Federal Environment & Climate Minister Wilkinson is expected to make a decision to either approve or reject it by the end of February 2020. 


IIPFCC Opening Press Release: Please Circulate


Resist the TransMountain Pipeline