News + Blog
New Report Provides Context to and Analysis of the Emergence of the LCIPP
New Report by IWGIA
ICA’s Toolkit Session with Youth
With the curriculum development complete, the toolkit team felt it would be a good idea to have our Community Engagement Lead, Jayce Chiblow, practise some of the exercises that were tougher to adapt to an online/distance environment. Our goal was to test functionality and to find ways to improve these online modifications. Keeping in mind the results of our Youth Needs Assessment, ICA felt the best way to do this was to invite 10 youth from our network to join the session to offer input and feedback into these exercises while also gauging interest in the program.
ICA Webinars w/ Indigenous Rising Media & Idle No More
In March, Indigenous Climate Action put together our first webinar related to COVID19, in collaboration with Idle No More and NDN fellows, Waasekom and Jesse Cardinal. Following this, we then put together a series of four webinars with Indigenous Rising Media (a project of Indigenous Environmental Network).
Responding to COVID19: Building Communities of Care
As we continue to monitor the outbreak and impact of COVID-19, we are bringing together perspectives of science, along with our traditional knowledge. Here are some of the resources we have created this month.
Frontline Organizations Serving Indigenous Communities during COVID19
We've compiled a list of frontline organizations serving Indigenous Peoples through COVID19.
COVID-19 and Indigenous Communities
Many Indigenous Peoples are at high risk of contracting COVID19 due to a lack of clean running water, overcrowded housing, and a lack of adequate healthcare. This is not the first time we have been faced with a health crisis, and to get through it will take some Indigen-uity.
COVID19 Resources for Indigenous Peoples
Hello relatives! During this difficult time, we wanted to put together some links for Indigenous folks north of the medicine line, specifically. We hope that you’re all staying safe; we will get through this like we always have.
Apply to the Indigenous Feminist Organizing School!!! (Deadline: Midnight March 6, 2019)
The Feminist Organizing School (FOS), led by the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ), is a unique opportunity for allied social justice forces to work together to demystify the concept of feminisms and explore their existing organizing work through a gender lens.
Resources & Links on Indigenous Rights and Climate Change
Many Indigenous communities are already taking action to develop toolkits and positions with local, national and international governments to assert their inherent, treaty and internationally recognized rights.
Final Report - Indigenous Peoples Meeting on Climate Change, Edmonton, AB (Treaty 6), January 2016
The inaugural meeting of ICA served to bring Indigenous voices together to discuss the current failures of the Canadian government to uphold and affirm the rights of Indigenous Peoples in accord with inherent Treaty Rights and the UNDRIP in the wake of the current climate crisis.