Bren Henderson

Montreal Lake Cree Nation & Cowessess Cree Nation

Bren Henderson nitisiyihkâson. oskana kâ-asastêkihk nitohcin kayahtê. nêhiyaw, Métis, êkwa kotak kîkway ôma niya. My name is Bren. I am original from Regina. I am Cree, Métis and Something Else (Undetermined European ancestries). I am a recent graduate of the Indigenous Environmental Sciences & Studies Program at Trent University, on the territory of the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg. Since moving to Nishnaabeg territory in 2014, I have been introduced to ceremony, teachings, and various organizing. In 2015, I joined student organizing through the Canadian Federation of Students. In 2016, I attended my first COP of the UNFCCC as a member of the Canadian Youth Delegate. And finally, in 2018, I participated in PowerShift: Young & Rising, and was able to learn from and see so many amazing frontline Indigenous Land Defenders. I am primarily a student organizer, with some anti-racist and environmental justice organizing experience. I humbly acknowledge that I am not a Land Defender or Water Protector, and seek to take leadership from them in the work I do.


Susana Deranger


Leslie Florence Saddleback