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  • Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel (map)

GLOBExCHANGE will build on the themes and outcomes of GLOBE Forum 2022, primarily The Path to Net Zero: 10×10 Matrix - the 10 action areas we need to prioritize in the next 10 years to achieve net zero by 2050. Join Canada’s premier community of climate and sustainability leaders to accelerate our progress in these areas AND make the connections you need to succeed in a net-zero future.

Beyond COP27 & COP15: Maintaining Momentum for an Inclusive and Sustainable Future

March 1, 2023 | 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Featuring ICA’s Youth Engagement Coordinator, Angel Brant

COP27 and COP15 made it clear that bringing together the climate and nature agendas represents an incredible opportunity to deliver on our sustainability goals – for Canada and the world. While these pivotal global events may be in the rear-view mirror, the road to delivering on our resiliency, biodiversity, and net-zero commitments remains a long one. In this intimate GLOBE Unplugged session, hear from climate leaders on the steps Canada needs to take to maintain momentum for an inclusive and sustainable future.

March 1

Indigenous Climate Resilience Forum

March 1

Landback Talk - An Indigenous Climate Action Lunch + Learn