News + Blog
Alberta’s COP Out: Imperial Oil Disaster and the AER’s Complacency of Harm to Indigenous Peoples
Over 15 months ago, Imperial Oil Ltd.’s Kearl Mine Tailings Ponds were reported to have leaked over 5.3 million of litres of toxic oil into the Athabasca watershed. Imperial, along with the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) failed to notify impacted Indigenous communities for over 9 months after the leak was discovered.
Indigenous peoples take bold action on pipelines, tar sands, and demand real
Indigenous Climate Action (ICA), an Indigenous-led climate justice initiative in Canada supports the frontlines efforts of land defenders and water protectors being taken on Coast Salish territory to halt the Kinder Morgan pipeline.
Pacific Islanders travel to the tar sands & ask for meeting with Trudeau (May 8-16)
A delegation of the people of the Pacific Islands have been calling for countries like Canada to stop digging up fossil fuels. This is especially true of Alberta's tar sands, one of the worlds dirtiest fuel sources.