Indigenous Climate Action

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Support the Tiny House Warriors as they take a stand against Kinder Morgan

Sometimes climate change mitigation doesn't come in the form of solar, wind and alternative energy, or electric grid reform and energy conservation. Sometimes it comes in the form of the protection and preservation of the lands, waterways and cultures of those whose lives, identities, survival and security depend on these very things. Protection and preservation of eco-systems challenges the status quo of high intensity energy projects and business as usual, preserve vital eco-systems and maintains and restores human connection to land.

If you want to protect and preserve Mother Earth and you believe in the rights of Indigenous Peoples please support those that stand for the land.

From September 5-8th, members of the Secwepemc First Nation will assert their rights as the true decision-makers over their territories and waters and demonstrate their decision to not allow the Kinder Morgan pipeline across to cross them.

They will do this by building the first of ten tiny homes on their territory directly in the path of Kinder Morgan’s pipeline. As their project damages the land and waters, the Secwepemc ‘Tiny House Warriors’ are building something beautiful that symbolizes community and hope, and models a positive solution.

How you can support the Tiny House Warriors:

  • Secwepemc has teamed up with Greenpeace and released a media advisory about the project here: Please feel free to amplify on social media and with your contacts.

  • Kanahus Manuel, Secwepemc Women's Warrior Society has been posting about the build on her facebook page and we ask that you amplify whatever is relevant.

  • Click here for the Full Social media kit.

  • Unbranded graphics will be available shortly though we ask you to avoid sharing the graphics (beyond the logo) until the build has started on September 5th.

Together we can change the world.