Indigenous Climate Action

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Indigenous Climate Action presents Standing Rock: Connecting Indigenous Resistance

Land Defenders and Water Protectors have been holding ground at Standing Rock on Lakota and Yanktonai territory in North Dakota after the North Dakota Access Pipeline Company was granted a license agreement to lay a new pipeline in April 2015. They are protecting significant land that intersects with local waterways and sacred sites and have been successful in interrupting a leg of the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure that is destroying the planet.

The U of A Native Student Services in partnership with Indigenous Climate Action is hosting an afternoon discussion with Indigenous land protectors from Standing Rock and across Turtle Island to discuss land protection,climate change and state sanctioned oppression of rights and destruction of the environment.

A panel of Indigenous land defenders from across Northern Turtle Island will be in the room and on skype video to discuss the topic the significance of Standing Rock and other ongoing and historical Indigenous resistance to extractive industries.

Standing Rock is one of the many illustrations of Indigenous climate and human rights movements.

Lets come together to help them thrive!

The panel presentation is free, but donations are encouraged and will go directly to the supporting the strengthening of the camp infrastructure and spirit to win an end to the North Dakota Access Pipeline.

Light refreshments will be served. Children are welcomed, but childcare is not provided.