ICA Youth Needs Assessment Summary - Support Indigenous Youth!


ICA is committed to supporting, empowering, and amplifying the voices of Indigenous youth. Over the summer, the ICA team and a student research partner completed a “Youth Needs Assessment” to identify the motivations and challenges faced by Indigenous youth engaged in climate and Indigenous rights advocacy work. The assessment is directing the future of our Youth Program to make it relevant to the needs, experiences and aspirations of Indigenous youth.

ICA heard from youth across Turtle Island - including 82 online survey participants and 4 focus group participants. We would like to thank the youth for sharing their stories and wisdom -  we are inspired by their powerful leadership, enthusiasm, and resiliency. 

The full report is available here


When asked why they felt Indigenous youth’s voices should be included within climate activism, the youth expressed the importance of connection to the land, future generations, and traditional cultural values and practices. The youth spoke to the importance of these connections for the intergenerational transfer of traditional knowledge, understanding culture and identity, building community relationships, and preserving the environment for future generations. Other motivations included resisting systemic oppression (such as colonialism and racism), creating equitable and inclusive climate solutions, and supporting Indigenous sovereignty.


We also asked the youth if their Indigenous backgrounds impacted their ability to participate in climate activism. Several youth expressed that their backgrounds provided access to traditional teachings, community support, and connection to the lands and waters. However, they also identified experiences of racial discrimination, lack of resources and opportunities, mental health impacts, and lack of access to traditional territories and teachings. 

The effects of systemic oppression, such as settler colonialism and racism, pose significant challenges for youth engaging in advocacy work. Throughout the Youth Needs Assessment, it became apparent that systems of oppression, dispossession, and disempowerment impact the lives of Indigenous youth. Urbanized and displaced youth expressed that limited access to traditional land and cultural teachings results in loss of language, cultural values, and knowledge of the land. 


The youth voiced that solutions should be grounded in asserting Indigenous sovereignty and rights, creating inclusive spaces for engagement, building stronger relationships to the land, building community support and relationships, respecting Indigenous knowledge, and increasing the accessibility of resources and opportunities. Moving forward, Indigenous youth hope to see increased availability of culturally appropriate and Indigenous-led resources, educational resources, financial resources, mental health support, networking and collaborative projects, online events and opportunities, and skill or training opportunities.

What’s next? 

The Youth Needs Assessment has highlighted that there are increasing numbers of Indigenous youth wanting to engage in climate and Indigenous rights advocacy work. The assessment identified the barriers faced by our youth and emphasized that the climate-justice movement in so-called Canada must include, amplify, and respect the voices of our communities.

So - what’s next? Here is an outline of the future direction for the ICA Youth Program:

  • creating a Youth Council

  • youth-specific trainings of the Indigenous Worldview Climate Change Toolkit

  • supporting Youth Gatherings and Delegations

  • exploring a Youth Mentorship program

  • nurturing Healing Justice Pathways in response to the mental health support and culturally appropriate resources that Indigenous youth expressed a need for

  • expanding our ability to give reciprocity for contract work and youth participation in ICA initiatives

The full report is available here.

We hope that you’ll join us in our journey to support Indigenous youth! To contribute to our programming, please donate


Supporting Sovereignty in Action


Healing Justice: ICA’s New Pathway