Decolonize Giving Tuesday by Supporting Indigenous-led Climate Leadership

As the world unites for Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to philanthropy and giving back, we invite you to direct your focus on decolonizing your giving and supporting Indigenous-led initiatives for climate leadership.

This Giving Tuesday, we encourage community support for Indigenous Climate Action’s Climate Leadership Program (CLP), a resource designed specifically for Indigenous communities. The CLP is a transformative initiative built through community engagements and knowledge-sharing sessions from across so-called Canada. Fundamentally, the CLP serves to facilitate capacity-building, information and resource exchanges, and advocacy among Indigenous leaders, communities, and beyond.

The Urgency of Indigenous Climate Leadership 

Indigenous communities around the globe are on the front lines of climate change, facing disproportionate impacts despite contributing the least to environmental degradation. The urgency to address climate change through a lens of justice is evident, and empowering Indigenous voices in the fight against environmental challenges is essential. 

Indigenous peoples have a profound connection to the land, drawing upon centuries-old wisdom to sustainably steward our planet. However, the impacts of climate change, including extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity, and encroachment on traditional lands, threaten these practices. The CLP aims to bridge this gap by equipping Indigenous leaders with the tools, knowledge, and resources needed to address and adapt to the challenges posed by climate change. 

The Vision of the Climate Leadership Program

ICA's explore and blossom pod (left to right: Vanessa Gray, Carole Monture, Jaye Chiblow, willo Prince) on site at Six Nations to facilitate cohort 6 of the CLP.

More than just an environmental initiative, this program is a pathway to self-determination and community resilience. The CLP stands as a vital platform for Indigenous communities to assert their sovereignty in the face of climate change. By empowering Indigenous leaders, preserving cultural knowledge, and fostering collaboration, this program plays a crucial role in advancing climate justice.

Objectives of the Climate Leadership Program

  1. Empowering Indigenous leadership: Aims to identify, nurture, and empower Indigenous leaders who can drive climate action within their communities. 

  2. Strengthening Indigenous knowledge: Recognizes the deep connection Indigenous Peoples have with the land and their unique understanding of climate change. 

  3. Building resilience: Focuses on helping communities build resiliency by providing resources, strategies, and tools to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

  4. Fostering collaboration: ICA recognizes the importance of collaboration among Indigenous communities at the national and international level - this program encourages networking, partnerships, and alliances to enhance the collective impact of climate action.

Support this Work

Donate today and support climate action at the intersection of environmental justice, cultural preservation, & community empowerment. Mussi Cho! Hay Hay! Miigwech! Thank you!


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