ICAatCOP29 Weekly Round-up
Peoples Plenary; COP29 Baku
Week 1 Highlights
We are diving into week two of ICA at COP29. A lot happened last week and we’ve collected a high level round-up in case you missed anything along the way!
ICA Arrives in Baku for Prep Meetings
November 4-10, 2024
Participate in the North American Facilitated Working Group on Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) November 5-8, 2024.
Attended preparatory meeting for the International Indigenous Peoples’ Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC) November 9-10, 2024.
Release a blog about the Value of Indigenous Participation within the UNFCCC and some of the key topics expected at COP29.
Indigenous Climate Leadership Day at the Canada Pavilion; COP29 Baku
COP29 Kicks Off
Day 1-3 | November 11-13, 2024
Eriel shares a recap of Day 1 at ICA at COP29.
Delegation attends daily briefings with IIPFCC, CAN-Rac, and Canadian Delegation
Release blog that covers ICA’s goals for attending COP29.
In an interview with NPR, Eriel offers insight on how Indigenous peoples are still largely relegated to the sidelines at COP.
Sarah delivers question to Environment Minister, Steven Guilbault during his Conversation with Civil Society hosted at the Canada Pavilion.
In an interview with Forbes, Eriel shares how “Indigenous Peoples have been raising alarms about the dangers of carbon trading and its role in paving the way for international mechanisms that risk the lives, lands, waters and rights of Indigenous Peoples for years.”
ICA hosts “Green & Beyond: Indigenous-led Healing and Just Transition for a Resilient Future” panel at the Canada Pavilion.
Eriel and Jayce join the Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Languages for a panel discussion “Stories from Indigenous Climate Leadership & Self-determined Futures.”
Jayce is featured on Morning North with Markus Schwabe where she shares objectives of attending COP and what we would consider a successful outcome.
Indigenous Women’s Day spiritual harmonization at Civil Society Hub; COP29 Baku
Negotiations Underway
Day 4-6 | November 14-16, 2024
Delegation continues attending daily briefings in addition to observing negotiations and collaborating on position papers with the IIPFCC on key topics like Article 6, Climate Finance, Just Transition, and New Collective Quantified Goals (NCQG).
In the live broadcast “We don’t have time,” Eriel speaks of the need to divest from fossil fuel, invest in a just and equitable transition, and where the financial sector plays a part in ensuring climate finance upholds human rights and the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Sarah moderates “Indigenous Youth from Community to International Climate Action” at the Indigenous Peoples Pavilion.
Jayce speaks to Green Colonialism during “Decolonising climate policy. Learnings from the online monthly magazine Indigenous Debates (Debates Indígenas)” event with IWGIA at the Indigenous Peoples Pavilion.
Eriel delivers Intervention during a meeting with Canadian Negotiators to ask if “Canada is committed to ensuring that we have language that includes climate financing to both developed and developing nations for specifically Indigenous peoples, through our own appointed organizations and representations, and that we strike any reliance on public sector financing that comes from carbon markets.”
Sarah is featured on Superior Morning with Mary-Jean Cormier.
Rosie attends Peoples Plenary and collective action which faced many restrictions this year including limited access to the full plenary space.
Indigenous delegates at COP29 Baku
Delegation joined other members of Civil Society in a Petty Sit-in to disrupt a panel dedicated to greenwashing at the Canadian Pavilion.
Sarah delivers intervention on behalf of the North American Region during the High Level Dialogue between the Indigenous Peoples Caucus and the COP29 Presidency.
Eriel provides an update of negotiations to close out the first week of ICA at COP29.
Upcoming Events
Women Leading Fossil Fuel Phaseout and A Just Transition
When: November 18, 2024 17:30- 18:00 (GMT+4)
Where: Press Conference 2
What: Women leaders will share critical strategies to advance a fossil fuel phaseout and a Just Transition that supports communities and ecosystems. They will also highlight the role of climate finance in supporting equitable solutions and ensuring accountability in the Just Transition. Link to Webcast
Catalyzing Change: Sneak Peek of the “Land Back IS Climate Policy” Report
When: November 19, 2024 12:05 - 13:05 (GMT+4)
Where: International Indigenous Peoples Pavilion
What: To address climate change and climate justice, it is essential that policies and solutions target the persistent drivers and underlying causes of the crisis. To follow up Indigenous Climate Action’s (ICA) panel event last year, ICA is back to release a sneak peek of the final part of the Decolonizing Climate Policy Project: Phase 2: Land Back is Climate Policy. This event will nurture a deeper understanding of how “Land Back” can fundamentally reshape climate policy.
Women for Climate Justice Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis
When: November 19, 2024 13:15-14:45 (GMT+4)
Where: Side Event Room 2
What: Indigenous, Black and frontline women, and global advocates will present climate justice strategies and solutions, including forest protection and restoration, Indigenous rights, agroecology, fossil fuel phase-out and divestment, and protection of women land defenders.
Land Rights for Climate Justice
When: November 19, 2024 18:30-20:00 (GMT+4)
Where: Side Event Room 3
What: Join us for an engaging UNFCCC COP29 side event hosted by Landesa in collaboration with Global Green Environmental Network (GLOGEN). This event will highlight the critical role of land tenure in strengthening countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), showcasing how securing land rights for Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and women can enhance climate action strategies.
In Solidarity for a Decolonized World
When: November 21, 2024 16:00-16:30 (GMT+4)
Where: Press Room 2 Natavan
What: Climate leaders will come together for a press conference at COP29 Baku to highlight multiple streams of work being done to decolonize climate policy on a national and international level. This press conference will feature voices from Indigenous and allied groups working on decolonizing policy projects in Canada and internationally.
Join in with your support!
Donate to ICA to support Indigenous change makers demanding climate justice for all!