Indigenous Climate Action

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ICA delegation in Egypt for COP27; announce key policy objectives

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | November 7, 2022

Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - Indigenous Climate Action (ICA), an Indigenous-led climate justice organization from Turtle Island (Canada), is on the ground in Egypt for COP27. The delegation includes representation from across Canada and released an overview of Indigenous-led policy objectives as the conference kicked off Monday, November 07, 2022.

Indigenous Climate Action is the only Indigenous-led climate justice organization in Canada and has sent delegates who have been participating in the United Nations and other international climate justice spaces for decades.

“As Indigenous peoples we have been taking care of the land and our relatives for millennia,” says Breanne Lavallee-Heckert, “we have inherited these responsibilities from our ancestors, our participation at COP is an extension of those responsibilities.”

Based on the findings from ICA’s Phase 1 report on Decolonizing Climate Policy in Canada, climate policies put forward have consistently failed to respect the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Nations. This has led to ineffective policies that do not address the climate crisis, nor reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. 

Without centering the leadership of sovereign Indigenous Peoples and Nations, climate policies fundamentally fail to understand and address the root causes of climate change. Indigenous Peoples and Nations know that true climate solutions are found in our communities and  are rooted in the restoration of our relationships with the living world around us,” shared Rebecca Sinclair, Director of Education and Programming.

The COP27 policy objectives released by ICA Monday morning takes a critical look at ineffective policy currently being pushed within the UN space and highlights ICA’s position on:

  • Climate Reparations

  • Loss and Damage

  • Just Transition

  • False Solutions

  • Solidarity with the Global South through Human Rights and Indigenous Rights 

  • Indigenous Sovereignty is the Solution

ICA’s Executive Director, Eriel Tchekwie Deranger states, “I have no interest in trying to change the minds of colonial governments, but to participate and stand up in solidarity with the global Indigenous peoples movements in protecting Mother Earth for future generations. Our delegation is adding critical force to call out false solutions and so-called climate policies that only serve corporations, white and settler communities, and ongoing colonialism and predatory capitalism. By uplifting the knowledge of our ancestors, the values of our cultures, and demanding the reinstitution of our legal rights as Indigenous peoples we are working towards a decolonial and climate just future for all.”

Learn more:

  • Read the full policy document on the website here.

  • Read further about ICA’s involvement in COP27 and why the delegation feels it is important to stay active in the international climate space on the website here.

  • Listen to ICA’s Breanne Lavallee-Heckert summarize the policy objectives during  the CAN-Rac press briefing from October 26, 2022 on YouTube at 00:09:10.

Media Contact in Egypt:
Jacob Crane, Community Engagement Coordinator

Media Contact in Canada:
Nickita Longman, Director of Communications & Engagement 

Indigenous Climate Action is the only Indigenous-led climate justice organization in Canada.
Visit our website to learn more about our COP27 delegation and goals for this year's UNFCCC.